Honoring NYPD Detective Liu
January 5, 2015

On December 20, 2014, Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu occupying their Patrol Car when a gunman approached the vehicle and opened fire unprovoked. Within moments, multiple Police, EMS, and Fire personnel flooded the scene, some pursuing the gunman, and many others providing courageous effort and aid to their fallen brothers. Both officers were rushed to the nearest hospital, surrounded by people working tirelessly to save them. It is with deep regret that neither Officer Ramos or Liu would survive this attack.

On Sunday, January 4th, the New York City Police Department held the funeral for Officer Wenjian Liu. Thousands of Police, Fire, EMS, & Military, including several members of Holbrook FD, stood in dress uniform side by side to pay respect to Liu. Several dignitaries shared remarks, including Police Commissioner Bratton, who posthumously promoting both Ramos and Liu to the rank of Detective First Grade. As the service concluded, the Family and Relatives of Liu were lead out to their respective vehicles as Liu's body was carried out by his brothers. From there, they were escorted from the church to the cemetery by over 500 Highway Patrol Motorcycles and patrol units as Police Helicopters flew over. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the fallen officers.