Car Fire against Home
By Chief Richard Stack
February 14, 2014

At 0347 hrs. Holbrook FD was dispatched for a vehicle fire at 24 Yosemite Circle. While in route Chief Stack was told by dispatch that SCPD was reporting involvement with the structure. A general Alarm was sounded. Engine 4 was first due and quickly stretched an 1 1/2 handline to cool the building and prevent extension. They then concentrated on extinguishing the burning pickup truck which was fully involved. In spite of the treacherous road conditions Engine 6 and Rescue 7 from Headquarters soon arrived. With the furthest distance to travel Engine 2 also arrived. The structure was checked for fire and in spite of the melted siding and charred plywood there was no extension. Thank You to SCPD Units who evacuated the unit on their arrival. There was extensive damage to the windows, siding and garage door and damage to the siding and windows of the neighboring unit.

Units: Chief Stack, Asst Chief Heinssen, Asst Chief Timo, E4, E6, R7, E2, 16, 41.
Mutual Aid: None