Working Structure Fire
By Ex Chief Cliff Pendl
September 16, 2015

At approximately 1745 hrs. Holbrook was activated for a structure fire located at 133 Bishop Lane. Upon First Assistant Chief Heinssen giving a signal 2 the dispatcher advised that he was receiving numerous calls direct of a fully involved house with possible occupants trapped. Upon his arrival he requested second activation for a working fire and an activation of the automatic mutual aid plan. First arriving E-6 would stretch two attack lines, followed by E-2 which would set up an immediate ladder pipe master stream operation. An exterior attack was initiated due to the large volume of fire upon arrival. Crews from E-5 and E-4 would assist in additional lines and Truck -10 would go into master stream bucket operation. Rehab was started by EMS-17 and EMS-18 with R-7 supplying light and power to the scene. Mutual aid response sent Sayville truck and Bohemia engine to the scene with Holtsville engine to HQ for standby. All units were released by 2105 hrs.